Revitalize / Development

Revitalize our Malaga Cove and Lunada Bay plazas and create places our community can gather. The scope includes:

  • Events in the plaza for adults and families (fairs, wine tasting, etc.)

  • Gathering places for kids and teens such as a yogurt shop

  • Cafes and specialty shops like chocolate, wine, cheese, pets, seasonal, etc.

  • Protecting the Olmsted city design

My solutions include:

  • Historic Restorative Tax Credits

  • Polling residents as to what business are desired and attracting these business

  • Partnering with our businesses to ensure they have a path to success

  • Business sponsorships


Overwhelmingly, residents did not support the roundabout and most did not know about it. The roundabout began a transition from our rural design to an urban design. There remains uncertainty as to whether there is a pause or if the project was officially stopped.

PVE Foundation’s Development Study of City Hall buildings:

This is a link to the contract PVE Foundation signed with AECOM, a developer, to evaluate development of our Open Space at and around the city hall lots. Task #2 describes adding commercial and housing on public land. The AECOM study is still shown as a future agenda item in the staff report for each Council meeting.

The study should be conducted out in the open with full disclosure. The cost/benefit analysis should be based on the cost/benefits of the residents, not developers. Residents need a seat at the table.

General Approach to Development:

Resident support should be required for major development of public land, particularly development that changes the rural design of the city. We need to bring fresh ideas to the residents to move forward to refresh and revitalize our city. It is critical we ensure resident support. Council serves the will of the people and should not force undesirable changes upon residents, like the roundabout.

Disclosure and Transparency should not be a scary prospect for any governing body.

I seek to collaboratively work with fellow Council members to rebuild trust with the community. Key to rebuilding trust is to have major development in our city require open door meetings, full disclosure by the city and notification to residents.

We can move forward together.


Staff vs. Council Authority


Excessive Staff Turnover